Tennis Court Cleaning Ipswich

For safety reasons, it is important to keep your sports courts (tennis, basketball, netball) clean and hazard-free. We service all Ipswich and South-East Queensland

The Best Tennis Court Pressure Washing Service In Ipswich, and South-East Queensland

Ipswich Pressure Cleaning Pros is committed to 100% customer satisfaction!

Do you want to give your basketball, netball or tennis court a new look?

Ipswich Pressure Cleaning Pros’s service is available to assist you if your tennis, netball, or basketball courts require some attention. As early as 2009, we have been helping resorts, schools, clubs, and private tennis court owners in Ipswich, and South-East Queensland in making sure that their courts look and feel as good as new.

No job will be too big or too small. Whether we are dealing with a single court or an entire arena, we can return any sports surface to its original condition, be it a tennis or netball.

Our tennis court cleaners are able to remove any stains and dirt without causing damage or disruption to the court surfaces, thanks to the power of eco-friendly solutions and cleaning products we use. A clean and smooth playing court will result in players having their best game to date.

Enjoy your court now with less worry. Call us today to receive a complimentary quote.

What Do You Get from Professional Tennis Court Cleaning Ipswich?

Synthetic Grass Tennis Court Pressure Cleaning Before Vs After
Synthetic Grass Tennis Court Cleaning

No matter whether your tennis courts are private or recreational, Ipswich Pressure Cleaning Pros can provide you with the best cleaning service in South-East Queensland all year round. Results of regular tennis court cleaning include the following:

Enhance your Court’s Appearance

You must keep your courts clean if you want them to look their best and last for many years to come. A tennis court that is not cleaned regularly can make it look bad and may cause damage to the surface.

Playability is affected when leaves or other debris have settled in the cracks and crevices of the court’s surfaces. They become even more problematic when they have been left out to lodge further without any attempt to remove them immediately..

It is possible for moss to form under the surface due to prolonged rain or shaded courts. This can pose a risk of slips and be a breeding ground for bacteria which can be detrimental to health.

Upgrade Playing conditions

The playability of tennis courts can also be affected by mould and moss. Moss growth can make it harder for the player to get through the grass to intercept the ball from the opponent. You also get less bounce from the ball and a reduced range of movement on the court because of it.

Tennis court walls are cool and moist so they are the perfect breeding grounds for moulds and spores vegetation ensues. These spores may be inhaled and can cause allergic reactions in certain people, especially the players themselves.

Save Money by prolonging Tennis Courts’ Service Life

Our expert cleaners guarantee less cracks and crevices that might serve as breeding grounds for unwanted elements like moss and mould through the removal of various contaminants and debris away from the surface of your tennis courts.

This will allow you to extend your tennis court’s lifespan because there is less need for costly repairs.

But that’s not all. Saving money will be a major benefit of well-maintained tennis courts because it will allow them to be used more often, with better stringing, less damage and weathering, as well as lower risk of getting slipped on.

Give us a ring at (07) 3278 0498 to request a no-obligation quote!

Tennis Court Cleaning Rockhampton

The Best Way to Clean Tennis Court Surfaces

You may be tempted to carry out your tennis court cleaning yourself or hire an unprofessional cleaner to do the job – but neither of them will be able to produce the same quality like the results you get from professional tennis court cleaners like Ipswich Pressure Cleaning Pros.

Tennis court cleaning needs a combination of special tools, experience, and time. We have over 10 years of experience cleaning tennis courts in Ipswich & know the best technique for cleaning all types of tennis courts. We clean:

Synthetic Grass Tennis Courts

Infills are used to protect your synthetic tennis court’s foundation and keep the blades straight. Infills will also protect the foundation of your synthetic turf tennis court, which translates to longer useful life.

This means that synthetic grass tennis courts cannot be washed with high-pressure water because excessive pressure could cause infills to deteriorate and fall off.

Instead, we use a soft washing process that is safe and made specifically effective for synthetic grass tennis courts.

Hard Surface Tennis Courts

While extremely durable and low-maintenance, hard surface tennis courts offer a great environment for mould growth, as well as being more exposed to dirt, dust, and moss.

Our combination of specialised and eco-friendly solutions are carefully applied to the court. After allowing it to rest, we gently spray it onto the tennis court walls to loosen the mould and moss. Then we wipe it clean with the specialised soft bristles.

Please contact us at (07) 3278 0498

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Get a quote now to get the clean exterior you desire.

Acrylic Tennis Courts

Our team at Ipswich Pressure Cleaning Pros knows acrylic tennis courts to be sensitive, have a specific amount of grit infused into the surface, and also slip resistant.

These surfaces become less durable, which shortens their service life and quality of play when constantly subjected to pressure cleaning. In addition, traditional pressure washing methods leave behind unsightly lines of pressure cleaner, which can affect the court’s aesthetics.

We have combined our experience in non-pressure cleaning techniques to ensure that we offer the best tennis court cleaning. Doing so makes it possible to maintain the original lustre and vibrant colours of the acrylic court without any damage.

Our team also has extensive experience in cleaning tennis courts made of concrete, asphalt, or even hybrid.

Netball, School Courts, and Basketball

We also do cleaning service at school playgrounds, courts, netball, and basketball courts, among others. Call us to confirm if you have any doubts. We’re likely to be able to clean any surface that can take water.

Please contact us at (07) 3278 0498

Other Available exterior cleaning services We Provide

All over Ipswich, and South-East Queensland regions, we have the following expertise to offer:

Ipswich Pressure Cleaning Pros Process in Tennis Court Cleaning

This is what you can expect from our professional driveway cleaning team in Ipswich when you give us a call:

Inspection of Your Tennis (Netball and Basketball) Court

Tennis Court Pressure Washing Before Vs After
Tennis Court Synthetic Grass Pressure Cleaning Before Vs After

Gathering information about the surface and any concerns pertaining to mould and moss growth, discolouration, etc.) is usually the first step. This can be done by giving us a call as we get help from Google Earth.

The cleaning proper begins by identifying any areas that might need extra attention via a physical inspection of the court. To ensure that your tennis court is clean and free from moss and mould, we create a cleaning plan.

Sweeping of Surface Debris

This stage aims to remove any leaves, dust, or debris that may have built up, before we start removing moss and mould from the walls of the tennis courts.

Soft washing

This includes utilising special equipment intended for soft washing in applying cleaning solutions to the tennis court’s wall where mould and algae are usually found This gentle cleaning approach allows the solution to be applied on the tennis court’s problem area sans the damage.

Removal of Residues

After the cleaning solution has broken up the moss and mould, we wipe the tennis court walls with the specialised soft brooms.


We then sanitise the tennis court and apply a sealer as the last step. This helps prevent future moss or mould growth. The tennis court is also protected by this sealer from damage by the sun’s UV rays as well as damage from regular play.

There are many factors that influence how long it takes to clean a tennis court and these include the type of material the court is made of and the amount of mould or moss growth.

A typical session of tennis court cleaning takes approximately five hours from beginning to end. For a more accurate and detailed estimate of the cleaning duration from beginning to end, our professional cleaners can thoroughly inspect your tennis court.

Get a Free Quote Right Now!

Do not delay, get a free quote to help you get the exterior you want.

Why Choose Us to Clean Your Tennis Court Ipswich?


Ipswich Pressure Cleaning Pros is a family-owned external and pressure cleaning company with over a decade of service to clients of different sizes across South-East Queensland regions.

Before Cleaning Tennis Court

Services that are both high quality and affordable

We know our customers are looking for high-quality service at affordable rates. Additionally, our tennis court cleaning services do not include any costly extra services. Only fully qualified and trained pressure and external cleaning experts who use the most effective and up-to-date cleaning equipment are employed by us.

Eco-friendly Solutions

Rest assured that our highly skilled team only uses very safe and eco-friendly cleaning products that work against contaminants but are gentle for everyone.

Fully Insured Cleaning Team

We are armed with liability insurance that covers us for accidents and damages that may occur while we clean your property.

Flexible Services Schedule

We work around you! For commercial clients, we are very mindful of minimising disruptions to your business operations!

At Ipswich Pressure Cleaning Pros, get your tennis court cleaning service at any time, be it night or day, any day of the week, and during holidays. Every customer is different. So, we have flexible scheduling options to accommodate your tennis court cleaning needs. Our team will also clean your court during a time when there would be minimal impact to any tennis playing schedule. We can come during school breaks and holidays to clean school courts, and we can also come to clubs during off-seasons. Our main goal is to achieve customer satisfaction in every job that we do which makes us among the leaders in this industry servicing Ipswich, and South-East Queensland regions.

Get in touch With the Professional Tennis Court Cleaners in Ipswich.

Do you want to revive your tennis court’s appeal and bring back its vibrant colour? Ring us at (07) 3278 0498 to request a free quote online or schedule our tennis court cleaning services!

Driveway Cleaning Professional Services Brisbane

Areas We Cover

Ipswich Pressure Cleaning Pros provides high quality pressure washing services all over South-East Queensland, including: